Monday, August 13, 2007

Welcome to WonderWords

Words of Wonder flow from the Heart through the Mind. None is greater than the other, though how they are used together makes a difference in meaning and impact. Mental Action without Heart is fraught with Danger, for there is always the risk of overwhelming the object of the action. And, Heart extended without Mind has a tendency to wander away from Heart's Desire and "fail" to fulfill its design. This Blog will be about recognizing who we are...or who I am, since it is my blog...and how I can take responsibility for All of Who I Am.

This First entry is more to try out the format than to impart any Wisdom. As I grow and interact with others here and elsewhere, the opportunity to expand the presence here and inquire into the power of Words and Wonder will become grander.

Welcome, once again, to WonderWords, where Body, Mind and Spirit intersect.


St. WonderHeart


Raj said...

Hi Wonderwords,

What a great idea. Thank you for sharing the expansion of a new will be a pleasure to watch you grow and prosper.

Love and Blessings,


St Wonderheart said...

Thanks, Raj. This is the first comment to this Blog. I am thrilled that you posted first. I'll see you around!
Peace, Brother