Wednesday, August 15, 2007

ONENESS-The Only Thread There Is

As I have been reflecting of what it is I want to write about and explore here, and elsewhere, it is apparent that there is only one theme, one thread, and that is ONENESS. All issues in my life are related to, and intimately entwined with, the recognition of our ONENESS. I have a strong interest in politics, social interaction and spirituality. What I notice in each of these areas is that until I can recognize and embrace that we are ONE, there is no way to authentically move forward in my life and with my relationships. No matter how far afield these posts may venture, from time to time, they will always return to The Only Thread There Is-TOTTI. It is interesting to me that this Acronym, TOTTI, first came to my attention as I was reading Neale Donald Walsch's recent book, What God Wants. What our very existence comes down to is the Remembering that we are ONE, extensions of God, Spirit, Nature, Universal Consciousness, Allah, Christ Consciousness or whatever other name one gives to the Source of All. No matter how we view our Purpose for living and being here, the one Truth that seems True always is that we all belong to the One and we are here to experience and express that One in this form. As this Blog expands and explores Truth, many areas for exploration and expansion will arise. I am excited about the RISK-Radical Inquiry Seeks Knowing-that is leading to greater awareness, both for myself, and for those who choose to join in the discussion.
Blessings of Peace to All,

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