Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Living as One, in the Now

Greetings to all who visit here.
I just completed the 11th eNewsletter, Magdalena Messages, that I produce with my sister, Joy and my beloved, Angelina. The theme this time is living as One in the Now, and what better subject to post upon than that?
The concept of living as One is as large a concept as One may contemplate. In essence, that means that All That Is must fit within the One. All the universes, all of the galaxies, all of the Black Holes, and all of us...in one unitary reality. Then, if that were not enough, we have to do it all NOW. We may not string it out over hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millenia, lifetimes...it is all NOW, in this instant that lasts only an instant. If you don't get all of it, all ONE of IT, in this instant, where will it go? It seems there is no place for the leftovers of Space and Time, so we just have to deal with what is Here and Now. So, the stepping stone of realizing this truth is to not "try" to understand it or figure it out, or explain it to yourself or others. The stepping stone is to imagine that this moment is the only one there is and all that is required for happiness is present in this moment. This, of course, has been the message of Masters forever, and it has not changed. The Key to happiness is to enjoy (be in joy) whatever arises, and share that happiness with whomever or whatever you encounter. Sadness, disappointment, lack or worse are inevitable in the world of form; and, happiness is the destination to which we all arrive as soon as we "get" that we never left. There are millions of stories of people who have faced unimaginable odds and been in the most dreadful situations, yet have transcended them to become our guides for whatever we yearn to become. Take the time to identify those souls, real or imagined, who personify the realization of your dreams, and allow them to guide you, one step at a time, from here and now to here and now. Live as ONE, in the NOW.

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