Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 2007 What has changed?

On this day which is declared by many the day that changed the world, what really changed? Did the events in New York City, Washington DC and Pennsylvania really change the world, or was it our response to those events? Yes, the loss of life and the destruction of property affected many people in many places, even globally; but what we are experiencing 6 years hence is not related so much to the events of 9/11/01, as to our response. Choices were made in the hours and days following the events of 9/11, and we are now living with the consequences of those choices. What can we do today to change the results of the decisions we made 6 years ago? The truth is that they were and are our decisions/choices. In a global community in which we are all related, each decision I make as an individual has an impact on all of us. Granted, it may not be immediately apparent and may not have a blatently obvious effect, but there are consequences to each thought, act and deed. 9/11 did not happen in a vacuum. It was the result of decades and perhaps eons of human interaction, culminating in what many describe as catastrophic events. Had we taken the time to review the thoughts, beliefs and actions leading to 9/11, and act differently on the outcomes of those reviews, today would be very different. But, today we, the USA, are mired in global conflicts and having to realize that because of the power we wield through our perceived superiority in physical/military, economic and social standing, it becomes our responsibility to make new decisions to correct the errors made over the past 6 years and more.

I don't propose to have the answers because no one person does, but we may begin a dialogue here to discuss what changes we can make as individuals to affect the environment in which we live. We have been blessed with the power of creation; it is up to us to learn to use it for the benefit of all. I encourage your replies.



Anonymous said...

This is my first contact with a blog. Thank you for the thoughtful commentary. Each day, I take some step toward inner unification. Now, outer action is becoming visible. The action of clearing clutter in the garage is also clearing mind chatter. I am reaching out to others, "telling the truth w/o blame and judgment" (Angeles Arrien's FOURFOLD WAY), and connecting with strangers.

Watching the news w/o blame and judgment opens a way to see what is occurring underneath all the bally-hoo.

And THE GRATITUDE JOURNAL continues to unfold. I am being given publishing leads. I wrote to David about THE GRATITUDE JOURNAL, how it began, its purpose, and the inspiration received from Viktor Frankl's MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING. All things are possible. This includes a sense of unity within the Phillips family.

Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

As with Joy's comment, John, this too is my first time on your blog. As I read through your wise and love-inspired comments, I can feel the feeling which I have when writing similar, but not as well expressed, 'letters to the editor' up here in NW Montana. Your work is of great value and I hope and trust that MANY are reading your blog.

Bob McClellan