Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Recession? What is it?

We are being told by so-called experts that a Recession is almost imminent. As we check our memory banks, this may raise ominous fears as we recall prior experiences of "Recession". What is a recession and why the fear? The word derives from a root word, recede, which means to draw back, retreat, diminish or ebb, as the tide does. Our FEAR is based on False Evidence Apprearing Real; past experiences that we project into the future. What if we took some liberties with the word and spelled it: re seed? The time of recession is a time to re seed and plant new ideas. Rather than a time of fear and hesitation, we may look at it as a time of new beginnings. The Universe has sent a message, instigated by our own action and behavior, to PAUSE...and take a closer look at what we have created. For, any activity or event we may observe in the manufactured world of human action is the result of our thinking and the action that ensues from that thinking. We are not victims here, but co-creators with each other. What we have created is the outpicturing of our deeply held beliefs, some of which are not even at a conscious level. Instead of blaming the government, business, bad investments or any other external cause, let us look within and identify those beliefs that precede our judgments. People who are able to review their beliefs and make changes easily, are the ones who rebound from adversity and make opportunity out of adversity. Do you act from fear or love? Can you embrace the apparent downturn in the economy and locate the gift it offers? The solution is always contained within the problem. What solutions do you see? What New Beginnings are you going to re-seed from the cultivated soil of this global market of opportunity? We are not separate, and as we learn to cooperate with each other, we can resolve the "problems" with creativity and kindness. Instead of the struggle of competition, let us employ the Power of Partnership.


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