Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where Have I Been?

It has been awhile since I posted here. This is going to be a short post just to say hi and promise I'll be back with lots to say. There is so much going on in the World and within each of us. Have you noticed? The conscious among us are noticing that there is more than meets the eye(I). Financial shifts are occurring that are way beyond what most of us have ever witnessed. It is not the usual periodic cycles that most economists and historians are telling us; there is a systemic shift and we best be aware of it. The changes that are coming are unprecedented. Please take some time to assess how you will respond, so you don't have to react out of fear and desperation. The Light is pouring into our hearts, and our minds are being challenged as never before to "try" to cope with what they are experiencing. Best to allow the Heart to provide you with what is needed: Love, Compassion and Peace. To show loving kindness to our brothers and sisters is what is called for.

Blessings to all,


Anonymous said...

Have you been to www.wingmakers.com

If not, I recommend an incursion, an adventure with knowledge, experience, and new horizons.

If you're ready, you will find what you need to grow wings and fly away to... ??

St Wonderheart said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for the link to wingmakers. I invested some time and find it to feel authentic and in alignment with my truth. What is your connection with this teaching? I'd like to have a name and contact information, if you are willing.