Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Books and Ancient Wisdom

I have been reading a lot lately and find that no matter what I read, the same message is being received: We Are One! I discovered Dan Millman a couple of months ago, though he has been around since the early '80s with Way of the Peaceful Warrior, then the sequel, Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior. These are 2 amazing books, with many deep and profound messages that resonated with me. This young man is introduced to a mystical character, Socrates, while a student at UC Berkeley. Dan is a gifted athlete with great determination to succeed at his sport. As strong as his commitment to his athletic success, his resistance to the teachings of Socrates, then to the teachings of Mama Chia in Sacred Journey, is equally as strong. What I am learning for myself is that I often ignore the many demonstrations of the Presence of God, Spirit, in my life because I will not trust in what I see, hear, feel and know from years of seeking Enlightenment. It is a paradox of opposites: one the one hand, I see the "proof" of God everywhere; on the other, I also see what seems to be a world that is out of balance and teetering on the brink of destruction. What I keep coming back to is that the Big Picture is perfectly in balance, and my failure to recognize it is simply part of my pathway. Constant forgiveness of myself is the solution to self-criticism and judgment. Each day I am faced with new opportunities to forgive myself. It does not good to forgive others if I cannot forgive myself because, as I believe, there is no "other" to forgive. So, every day, when I awake to my world, I may choose how to experience that day: a day of possibility and promise, or a day of fear and rejection. The day does not care how I perceive it; it is just being "the day." So, as I prepare to go to sleep tonight, that is the thought I set in my mind, and hold in my heart: This day has been perfect and tomorrow is just as perfect, because that is how I say it is.

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