Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Passing of a Dog...

Today I received news that a dog named Rufus passed away on Tuesday, November 6th. He was/is a very special dog because he brings joy and sorrow together in a way that demonstrates the greater capacity of humanity to embrace seeming opposite feelings simultaneously. I last spent time with Rufus on Monday evening, as he visited the Gratitude Choir rehearsal with Rev. Kirk of the Center for Spiritual Living-Orange County. Though he was obviously very tired and lacked the energy I am used to with him, he nonetheless shared what energy he had in a deep and loving way. Perhaps it is projection on my part, but I felt his love and knew that his being there with us was a gift from God. The Joy is that Rufus represents unconditional Love; the sorrow is that his presence in the physical is gone forever. His memory is eternal and we, as humans, have the capacity, when we choose, to instantly bring that memory alive and experience the Joy of this presence, known as Rufus. There was so much more I was going to write about, today, but this presented itself and I am following this thread in synchronicity. Life and Death seem to be very present with me at this time. Many of whom I am aware are making their transition into Spirit. Though thousands die daily across the world, when those with whom we are close transit, we become more aware of the sanctity and transitory nature of life and can delve into its mystery. So, today, I celebrate the life of Rufus, and of Liam, who also made his transit this week, and rejoice in these lives having been part of my life. Today, all that is "needed" has already been created; today, I say, "Thank you, Blessed Spirit, for my life and all that is present here, now"
And so it is,

1 comment:

Shannon Ingram said...

What a rich and caring comment about the passing of a beloved dog. I, too, knew Rufus and loved him. He visited our ranch last Thanksgiving for a celebration with family, friends, dogs, chickens, horses, cows and geese. He was equally comfortable in the great outdoors and on the bed with Deanna and Jodi. Rufus was a good dog. Thank you for your insights and lovely words, John!