Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving-A day to remember

I have, again, been absent from this site for some time, now. Why is it so hard to make entries on a regular basis? I certainly have plenty to say. Just ask my friends! So, enough of self-flagellation. Just allow the words to flow and follow the cookie crumbs.

I just wrote the following in another blog and wanted to share it with you, since it just seemed to spill from my fingers into this electronic medium:

I am writing to send Thanksgiving Greetings to all who post here. What I have learned in my 63 years is that the most powerful "weapon" I have is that of love and forgiveness. Daily, it is my quest, not always successful, to be grateful for EVERYTHING that becomes visible in my life. My mission and vision is to extend love to all and accept love from all, in whatever form it takes. Each of us has a unique gift and purpose with which we entered this life; our job is to discover and extend that gift and purpose into our world. We operate on a Timeline that is unknown to most of us, so we may only learn to trust in the process of unfolding possibilities. I don't know where this came from, but I feel moved to send this out to all, here. We seem to live in difficult times, but all that we experience is for our growth and enlightenment.
With Gratitude and Thanksgiving, I offer this Blessing to all.May Peace Prevail on Earth. And so it is,

st john

Today is the day before Thanksgiving, 2007, and this has been a year of unforgettable blessings and self-revelations. A little over a year ago, in October 2006, Mary Magdalen appeared to my sister, Joy, in her Journal. That began a process of extraordinary insights and messages, as the process continued unceasingly until now. My loving partner, Angelina, my sister, Joy, and I became the Darshan Trio, as "named" by Magdalena, and began the journey of sharing the Magdalena Messages. For 24 weeks we have sent out a weekly eBlast, with Magdalena's weekly message, and now She is being transmitted through Joy's voice at least once a month. She also delivers personal Letters to individuals who request them. The information that comes forth is powerful and unique. There is a new energy coming forth through many people; we are now ready to receive a Higher Energy as we have prepared ourselves for that energetic influx of Love and Peace.

What I am called to do is to share what I am learning and offer it to all who will listen. One of my gifts is to receive the meaning of words through acronyms, which expand their meaning to deeper levels. My biggest challenge in this work is to acknowledge that I, in co-creation with Spirit, have a Gift worth sharing. I have been with many artists and creative types over my lifetime, and noticed that even the most gifted have difficulty acknowledging and valuing what they create. What I would like to do here is share some of those acronyms, as a prelude to producing an actual product for sale(gulp). If you are moved to respond, I welcome your feedback.

My first word was BLAME: Big Lie About My Expectations-to blame another is to hold expectations for how I "think" they are or should be. People are not here to meet my expectations any more than I am to meet theirs.

FREEDOM: Faith Releases Every Erroneous Doubt Of Mind-as I develop faith in a Higher Power, whatever that may be to me, I release false ideas and overcome doubt. Trust and Faith are closely linked. They both imply the relinquishing of thinking and allowing Spirit to inform my decisions and actions.

FAITH: Fully Alive In Trusting Heart-To trust my heart is to live in Faith. My heart is the source of my intuition and guidance, not my head/brain/mind. I am truly alive when I Trust my Heart.

TRUST: Taking Risks Unlocks Spiritual Transformation-My life is transformed when I can Trust enough to take risks for my passion and purpose. Stepping into the Unknown with Faith is the power of transformation.

That is just a taste of what is coming to me, with the Grace of God's Love and Inspiration.


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