Friday, December 21, 2007

Conversations with God-Just viewed the DVD

What amazing beings we are! We attract to us exactly what we need, at any given moment. I will put this in the first person, since this is my observation and expression of what is true for me.

I just finished watching the DVD, Conversations with God, as told by Neale Donald Walsch. If you have not seen it, but know about the series by the same name, I will quickly fill in some blanks, and leave the rest of the experience to you. This is the story of Neale's journey from the bottom of his life to the realization of his passion and pathway. It contains scenes that graphically illustrate his struggles with his own demons and how he was able to finally shift his own perception of who he is and what he is here for. The story is not yet complete, but the message is clear that to live other than your own life with passion and purpose, is to die with your song still in you, as Wayne Dyer says.

This is such a timely experience for me for, though not yet at the bottom of my life, I can see what it might be like if I don't embrace what is being presented to me, now, and act on my own passion to realize my pathway. I have been blessed with Masters and Teachers who love me unconditionally, and with resources within myself that I may use to express that Love to others. The tools I have been given I always thought were outside myself, and had to be manipulated properly in order to get the results I desired and to make my life complete. What is being shown me, and what is being shown to others through the weekly Darshan at the Family of the Flowering Heart, is that the authentic tools are tools of the Heart and are best used through our being, not our doing. Awareness of my inner being is how I may experience my feeling nature, and recognition of the reflections of that being through others is confirmation of the inner truth that evolves, from moment to moment, into greater expressions of that Inner Self.

This vehicle of my self-expression provides a way to share my Love of God/Spirit/Divine Creator. Someone pointed out that our only purpose for being here, in Body/Minds, is to extend Love. That looks differently to each of us, but each of us has the capacity to feel Love and extend Love, and it is the degree of our Intention that draws that feeling back to us.

So, my friends, open your hearts to receive Love and pass it forward, and allow the spiral to ascend and expand, embracing all that is, without exception.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, John, for sharing your journey free of the need to "look good." In "Conversations with God", NDW makes it clear that any conversation with God requires honesty. When we lie to ourselves, we're lying to God which seems pretty self-defeating.

It's interesting that I don't mind what God sees and knows. In fact, since all is already visible to Creation, that One is the trusted friend and confidant. It's with other human beings I feel nervous.

Thank you for opening this space for dialogue.
