Wednesday, December 19, 2007

God and Atheism and Beyond...commentary

This began as a response to an article I read on the internet, and I wanted to share it with you.

All the back and forth between atheists, theists and agnostics is more of the belief in separatism: there is only one way to believe and it excludes all others. What I "know" from experience is that there is no single answer that excludes all others. God is an experience and is not confined to a religion/philosophy/belief/point of view. It/god is not human and is not confined to human qualities; in as much as each of us is the "product" of god's consciousness, we have access to those qualities to the degree that we are open to that consciousness. For the scientists among you--and I do not claim to be one--, the scientific method includes that realm of curiosity about the origin and purpose of the observable universe, but also the realm of the unobservable. What is now visible was once invisible because we had no instruments to observe, or lacked the imagination to question the unknown as knowable. Religion is that arena of belief that wants to control the exploration of the unknown because of fear. Fear is the reluctance to acknowledge death and the possibility that there is nothing after this life. Mysticism is that realm of direct experience of God, without the need for empirical proof of Its existence. Life is the experiment that becomes the experience. Visionaries are those who imagine what is not observable and are passionately willing to risk everything for a possibility that something more exists beyond what their senses tell them exists.

These random thoughts are meant not as conclusive but exploratory. Radical Inquiry, which is a method introduced to me by Jayem,, is that realm of inner exploration in which the I of my mind is willing to delve into the unimaginable infinite possibilities that exist just a thought away.

There are so many avenues of exploration and revelation that I'd like to share with all of you, and I will be posting commentary on these as I travel the pathway of self-discovery and self-realization.

I wish you Peace, Love and Joy from moment to moment.


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