Friday, December 14, 2007

Steroids, Baseball and Power

Yesterday, December 13th, a report on steroid use in major league baseball(MLB) was issued by former U.S. Senator and former Senate Majority leader George Mitchell. On its surface, this investigative report appears to be broad and comprehensive, naming names and condemning the illegal use of performance-enhancing substances(anabolic steroids and Human Growth Hormones) by major league baseball players, going back several years. What it fails to disclose is Mitchell's conflict of interest in heading up this investigation: Mitchell sits on the boards of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, and the Walt Disney Company, which owns ESPN, baseball's number one broadcast partner. This information comes from a column by Dave Zirin(, in which he exposes the hypocrisy of this commission and MLB, in general. Read the column, The Mitchell Report: Absolving the Owners, for more information.

My purpose in writing the blog entry is to, once again, address the interrelationship of all events to each other. Major League Baseball and professional sports, in general, are a microcosm of the larger culture of the United States of America. The deception and denial around full disclosure of the "facts" in this instance, reveals the deception and denial of the "facts" around political and social policies which control the populace of this country. Now, this may sound like we are the victims, and I do not take that position. We are not victims, except to the extent we choose to deny our personal responsibility for what is before us. As with illegal drug use in MLB, we have chosen to look the other way when confronted with clear evidence that more is going on than is readily apparent by reading and watching the Main Stream Media(MSM). If you are reading this blog, then you have access to the Internet. While the Internet is not free of misleading and factually false information, it does allow access to information that is accurate and not readily available through the MSM. By connecting the dots of the information from various online and alternative media, one can begin to see the larger picture: the "wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan are not about democracy and a response to terrorists' threats to the United States; they are a manipulation of the "facts" surrounding 9/11 so that those in power can further control the people of this country and even the rest of the world.

What this tells us about ourselves is that we are unwilling to see a larger view of the world. In the short term, a few months or even a few years, the power a money and force seems to work to gain an edge. In the long run, what some of us call the panoramic view, it is impossible to maintain the disproportionate balance of power. The people and corporations that seem to be on top cannot retain their advantage without the cooperation of those on whom they depend for that positioning. The people who do the "work" of providing the services and manufacturing the consumer goods on which "they" depend for their growing profits are really in control. They just have not discovered this power, yet. But, with broader access to information through the Internet and alternative media, and less attachment to the "needs" sold to us by the same power brokers who want to control us, this structure will collapse and reform into one of cooperation and collaboration. Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the peaceful resolution of those conflicts that naturally arise in a world based on duality of form.

Recognizing that we live in a Spiritual Universe, based on Spiritual Laws, releases us from dependence on just the physical and political laws that seem to operate outside ourselves. We have within us the power and wisdom to decide how we want to respond to any event/experience, and that power is unlimited. We only have to claim it and practice it. Trust in the power of One and all is well.


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