Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Some God Beliefs...

There are as many beliefs about GOD/non-GOD as there are those to have beliefs. In fact, I think/believe that there are more than one for each of us, depending on how, when, where we derived them and from whom. I have deep "beliefs/convictions/understandings/projections" of who and what GOD is, and they seem to change as I "evolve" in my awareness of who I am and how I came to be here. What works for me is that, as much as it is possible, I review my judgments of others and how they relate to my own belief system(s). I, as a human being, do have judgments and make both conscious and unconscious discernment about almost everything, person, place or event I encounter. I notice my immediate thoughts and feelings that occur, then review them for clarity and meaningfulness in this context. Who/What is God? Why does it matter to me? Why does it matter to me what others think/believe about God? Why do I find it necessary to capitalize the G in god? Is it required by god? By my culture? What if I just used lower case g for god? Nope, no lightening, yet. And, I am a licensed Science of Mind/Religious Science Practitioner saying these things!

What I believe is that what is more important than what I profess to believe is how I live my life and relate to those others with whom I share this existence. We are all One/one and whomever I encounter and whatever event/experience comes to me is a reflection of those beliefs/convictions/thoughts I hold. How I respond, my response-ability, dictates how I experience these conditions of my life. And, I may even re-choose that response to a past event/experience, which may change this present moment. Is this possible? It is an experiment to be practiced.

Hmmm...This whole it a discussion since I am the only one here writing this?...was initiated from a blog I was responding to about the presidential campaigns and the candidates' beliefs/professed beliefs/opinions about god. In a country which is supposed to be founded on the separation of church and state, how did we get to the conflicting discussion over whose religion/faith is more electable? It seems to mirror the conflicts in the rest of the world. Whose religion is better and whose god is more "real"?

Any comments? Feel free to respond.


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