Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Commentary on the Eliot Spitzer "SEX SCANDAL"

· In a response to a blog Nothing kills rational discourse like a sex scandal; Misadventures in logical reasoning -- and lessons learned from the Spitzer scandal
By Glenn Greenwald, 3/12/08, regarding the resignation of Eliot Spitzer, Gov. of New York State
"Self-Righteousness Abounds Here
Glenn hits most of the issues I have recognized about this particular case. What no one seems to be asking is: name clients 1-8 and 10-n. If it is fair to identify one who committed a crime, then it is fair to name them all. It, no doubt, would create some international incidents. Since the customer base of the Emperor's Club probably includes some of the wealthiest men in the world, some of whom hold high political office, the repercussions would be resounding.
What is really at issue here is the global and universal nature of this issue. We are not talking about a single or serial exercise in one man's sexual and financial practices; this is a universal disclosure of human behavior and motivation. I recommend each one here pontificating on Mr. Spitzer's actions take a moment or 3 and consider how you may have violated one of your own values or virtues at some time in your life. I have and it is revelatory. This is not a religious or legal violation; it is a moral and spiritual one, and is personal. Laws are put in place to control behavior and maintain control of those with less power than those making the laws. When they are violated, it is an opportunity to review the purpose of the law and for whose benefit it was enacted. Please deeply examine your motivation for taking whatever side of this issue you have taken, and be honest with yourself. There is no one else who needs to know what you discover. Your own discovery may mediate how you cast stones upon another."


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