Thursday, March 6, 2008

The War of Art-A Book on Creativity & Resistance

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield (Warner Books), is an amazing journey into the Creative Process; or, rather, what prevents us from expressing that process fully. Steven Pressfield is an "experienced" writer/creator who has paid his dues in Spades, and now (copyright 2002) shares his inner discoveries with the reader. Whatever your form of "art", whether recognized as one of the arts such as visual, written, dance or acting, or a business, home or relationship, you will be plagued by "resistance". This most subtle of powers is at work 24/7 in your psyche, creating its blocks to your accomplishment at every turn. The creation of art may be likened to a war, in which the opposing forces of creativity and resistance/fear are in a mortal battle for your attention and your success.

Pressfield defines resistance with personal examples and stories from history in Book One. You will recognize your own resistance, as I did mine, and vow to overcome it. Good Luck! It can be done, but it is not unlike breaking an addiction. In fact, resistance is an addiction. To overcome it, you must Turn Pro. Quoting from Book Two, "It is one thing to study war and another to live the warrior's life." --Telamon of Arcadia, mercenary of the fifth century B.C.

The life of the Professional of Artistic Creation is detailed in Book Two; the amateur is sent into retirement. It is no longer an option to approach your art as an amateur, unless you are willing to settle for submission to resistance as your creative muse. What separates the amateur from the professional is WORK: What Overcomes Resistance Kreatively. "The professional loves it so much, he dedicates his life to it....Resistance hates it when we turn pro." In Book Three, we transcend resistance and enter the Higher Realm, the domain of Angels.

The Higher Realm is the jurisdiciton of the mystics, the aspect of the Inner Self that transcends the egoic resistance to entering the unknown, the residence of infinite possibilities. It is here that the masterpieces are sourced and allowed to descend into form: written, performed, sculpted, painted or spoken. The enlightened artist is the one that recognizes that his/her gifts are Divine and it is an obligation to share the Divine with the rest of the world. To do otherwise is to "...cheat us of your contribution." This one recognizes that to do less is a death sentence. It may be slow and lingering or it may be quick and tragic, but death will ensue. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "Don't let your song die within you."

There is so much I gleaned from reading this book, and I can only encourage you to read it if you feel the artistic juices stirring within you. Beware! It may change your life!

Blessings on your Journey of Awakening,

I am Committed to Oneness through Justice and Transformation

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