Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Experience: What is your Desire?

HeartVirtue™:”I am committed to Oneness through Justice and Transformation”

What is the experience we desire from war? Is it Freedom? Peace? Joy? Happiness? Security/Safety? How does war/violence committed against anyone, be they armed combatants, their children, their surrogates or their political leaders, result in the opposite experience? If someone attacks you, physically, verbally or in print, is your natural reaction to embrace their point of view, their philosophy, their way of life? Or, is it to react either in kind or in fearful submission?

What seems so obvious to me does not apparently make sense to others who see military action and coercion as the way to achieve their goals of security and prosperity. The real question I ask is: how do I(or we)persuade people who practice violence as a strategy to achieve their purposes that there are more effective means to the end of security and prosperity? By listening to another’s deepest desire, I may learn more about her/him and what motivates them. There is a great deal of information, and there are experiential tools to create the experience of understanding and transformation. One may choose another way when one reaches the conclusion that what they have been doing is not producing the experience they say they desire.

It is an Inside-Out process; not Outside-In. Explore the heart before concluding that change is possible from the Outside-In.

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