Monday, February 18, 2008

LifeCamp: A HEROES Journey with Greg Mooers

Today is Monday, February 18th, 2008. My return from LifeCamp is a Wonder to Behold. This life, known as John Phillips, has changed forever, and that is the Good News! My Heart Virtue: I AM Committed to Oneness through Justice and Transformation. I am in awe of who I am; that leads me to be in awe of my newly encountered Brothers and Sisters of the Heart, even those whom I knew before this weekend. The Magnificence of who and what we are as Human Beings, or actually Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, is truly AWE-Inspiring. Given that "my Gift" is that of an Acronym Master, I share a couple of new ones: AWE=Alive With Experience; and, HEROES=Heart Exposes Reality Of Extraordinary Skills. When our Hearts open into Trust, we have access to the Extraordinary Skills that our Brain/Minds provides us when we Trust Our Hearts and Train Our Brains.

There is much more to follow, and now I desire to share this immediate realization.
Blessings to All,

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