Thursday, February 7, 2008

HARMONY - An Acronym

Happiness Awakens Radiant Miracles Only Nature Yields: so, how does this acronym apply to the "Real World"? That is always my question, as these words come to me. The process of "defining" the word is a most interesting phenomenon to me. I hear the word and somehow am "told" that there is an acronym here. Usually, within seconds or minutes, the defining words come to me and I write them down. They also do not stay static, but move around. For instance, the words for GOD are numerous: Giver of Dharma; Grantor Of Divinity; Ghost Of Death(that just came to me as I was writing these); Great Opulent Diva(another new one); Grace Opens Doors, etc. This is just a glimpse of the process, as I prepare to follow the thread of HARMONY.

I wrote in the Magdalena Weekly Message #35, "HARMONY is a state of consciousness in which the Miracle of Happiness reclines in quiet repose. It is our Natural state of being as we yield to our Awakened Radiance."

Harmony, of course, is much more than that. Happiness is that sense of well-being, peace of mind, in which all is well, no matter what chaos may be surrounding me. That is the Miracle of which I speak. It is the awakened state that I yearn to experience, without interruption. And, it is that yearning that separates me from that state of being. Once again, the paradox of human existence is exposed. Earthly Life is a Koan, a riddle which may not be solved with the mind that examines it. Reclining both in quiet repose and yet actively radiant. I perceive radiance as a shimmering light, moving, vibrating and ever-expanding. Being in Harmony means being in balance and feeling all aspects of one's being. Embracing ALL THAT IS, without exception.

I close this entry with Gratitude for being "the one I have been waiting for." An interesting phrase, which apparently Barack Obama spoke in one of his recent speeches. The political pundits were all agog with this phrase. How many times have we heard this spoken? It has finally reached into the "mainstream" of political speech. That is a "good thing", for which I am most thankful.

I leave you in PEACE,


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