Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome to New Beginnings - 2008

The year has turned from a year of completion, 2007, to a year of New Beginnings, 2008. What is in store for us? How is 2008 different than 2007? What do we bring into the new year that will make it memorable and fruitful?

2007 has been a year of massive change for me, and, from what I am hearing, for many others...in fact, most of the people I know have been through significant changes and have been "forced" to make adjustments in attitude, belief and behavior. 2007 has been a preparation for a new birth of who I am and how I perceive and respond to the world, both inner and outer. The metaphor of birth is quite apropos: from the fertilization of the seed by spirit in Bali in January, to the growth of the fetus expanding in the womb of human experience here in California, to now release from the confinement of that womb to begin, once again, to explore the environment of humanity and Mother Earth. I asked for freedom from my JOB, and was granted that wish through the closure of the company that employed me. Now, from this place of freedom, I am offered the opportunity to create my next step. How will I grow in wisdom and inner understanding from this experience? Whom will I meet on the road of Serendipity? What gifts will I open that are unexpected, but lead to even greater possibilities than I could have imagined even 6 months or a year ago? That is the mystery upon which I embark.

I invite all who visit here to share my journey by sharing your journey. I Love My Life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean