Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Commentary on the Eliot Spitzer "SEX SCANDAL"

· In a response to a blog Nothing kills rational discourse like a sex scandal; Misadventures in logical reasoning -- and lessons learned from the Spitzer scandal
By Glenn Greenwald, 3/12/08, regarding the resignation of Eliot Spitzer, Gov. of New York State
"Self-Righteousness Abounds Here
Glenn hits most of the issues I have recognized about this particular case. What no one seems to be asking is: name clients 1-8 and 10-n. If it is fair to identify one who committed a crime, then it is fair to name them all. It, no doubt, would create some international incidents. Since the customer base of the Emperor's Club probably includes some of the wealthiest men in the world, some of whom hold high political office, the repercussions would be resounding.
What is really at issue here is the global and universal nature of this issue. We are not talking about a single or serial exercise in one man's sexual and financial practices; this is a universal disclosure of human behavior and motivation. I recommend each one here pontificating on Mr. Spitzer's actions take a moment or 3 and consider how you may have violated one of your own values or virtues at some time in your life. I have and it is revelatory. This is not a religious or legal violation; it is a moral and spiritual one, and is personal. Laws are put in place to control behavior and maintain control of those with less power than those making the laws. When they are violated, it is an opportunity to review the purpose of the law and for whose benefit it was enacted. Please deeply examine your motivation for taking whatever side of this issue you have taken, and be honest with yourself. There is no one else who needs to know what you discover. Your own discovery may mediate how you cast stones upon another."


Thursday, March 6, 2008

The War of Art-A Book on Creativity & Resistance

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield (Warner Books), is an amazing journey into the Creative Process; or, rather, what prevents us from expressing that process fully. Steven Pressfield is an "experienced" writer/creator who has paid his dues in Spades, and now (copyright 2002) shares his inner discoveries with the reader. Whatever your form of "art", whether recognized as one of the arts such as visual, written, dance or acting, or a business, home or relationship, you will be plagued by "resistance". This most subtle of powers is at work 24/7 in your psyche, creating its blocks to your accomplishment at every turn. The creation of art may be likened to a war, in which the opposing forces of creativity and resistance/fear are in a mortal battle for your attention and your success.

Pressfield defines resistance with personal examples and stories from history in Book One. You will recognize your own resistance, as I did mine, and vow to overcome it. Good Luck! It can be done, but it is not unlike breaking an addiction. In fact, resistance is an addiction. To overcome it, you must Turn Pro. Quoting from Book Two, "It is one thing to study war and another to live the warrior's life." --Telamon of Arcadia, mercenary of the fifth century B.C.

The life of the Professional of Artistic Creation is detailed in Book Two; the amateur is sent into retirement. It is no longer an option to approach your art as an amateur, unless you are willing to settle for submission to resistance as your creative muse. What separates the amateur from the professional is WORK: What Overcomes Resistance Kreatively. "The professional loves it so much, he dedicates his life to it....Resistance hates it when we turn pro." In Book Three, we transcend resistance and enter the Higher Realm, the domain of Angels.

The Higher Realm is the jurisdiciton of the mystics, the aspect of the Inner Self that transcends the egoic resistance to entering the unknown, the residence of infinite possibilities. It is here that the masterpieces are sourced and allowed to descend into form: written, performed, sculpted, painted or spoken. The enlightened artist is the one that recognizes that his/her gifts are Divine and it is an obligation to share the Divine with the rest of the world. To do otherwise is to "...cheat us of your contribution." This one recognizes that to do less is a death sentence. It may be slow and lingering or it may be quick and tragic, but death will ensue. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "Don't let your song die within you."

There is so much I gleaned from reading this book, and I can only encourage you to read it if you feel the artistic juices stirring within you. Beware! It may change your life!

Blessings on your Journey of Awakening,

I am Committed to Oneness through Justice and Transformation

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Experience: What is your Desire?

HeartVirtue™:”I am committed to Oneness through Justice and Transformation”

What is the experience we desire from war? Is it Freedom? Peace? Joy? Happiness? Security/Safety? How does war/violence committed against anyone, be they armed combatants, their children, their surrogates or their political leaders, result in the opposite experience? If someone attacks you, physically, verbally or in print, is your natural reaction to embrace their point of view, their philosophy, their way of life? Or, is it to react either in kind or in fearful submission?

What seems so obvious to me does not apparently make sense to others who see military action and coercion as the way to achieve their goals of security and prosperity. The real question I ask is: how do I(or we)persuade people who practice violence as a strategy to achieve their purposes that there are more effective means to the end of security and prosperity? By listening to another’s deepest desire, I may learn more about her/him and what motivates them. There is a great deal of information, and there are experiential tools to create the experience of understanding and transformation. One may choose another way when one reaches the conclusion that what they have been doing is not producing the experience they say they desire.

It is an Inside-Out process; not Outside-In. Explore the heart before concluding that change is possible from the Outside-In.

Monday, February 18, 2008

LifeCamp: A HEROES Journey with Greg Mooers

Today is Monday, February 18th, 2008. My return from LifeCamp is a Wonder to Behold. This life, known as John Phillips, has changed forever, and that is the Good News! My Heart Virtue: I AM Committed to Oneness through Justice and Transformation. I am in awe of who I am; that leads me to be in awe of my newly encountered Brothers and Sisters of the Heart, even those whom I knew before this weekend. The Magnificence of who and what we are as Human Beings, or actually Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, is truly AWE-Inspiring. Given that "my Gift" is that of an Acronym Master, I share a couple of new ones: AWE=Alive With Experience; and, HEROES=Heart Exposes Reality Of Extraordinary Skills. When our Hearts open into Trust, we have access to the Extraordinary Skills that our Brain/Minds provides us when we Trust Our Hearts and Train Our Brains.

There is much more to follow, and now I desire to share this immediate realization.
Blessings to All,

Thursday, February 7, 2008

HARMONY - An Acronym

Happiness Awakens Radiant Miracles Only Nature Yields: so, how does this acronym apply to the "Real World"? That is always my question, as these words come to me. The process of "defining" the word is a most interesting phenomenon to me. I hear the word and somehow am "told" that there is an acronym here. Usually, within seconds or minutes, the defining words come to me and I write them down. They also do not stay static, but move around. For instance, the words for GOD are numerous: Giver of Dharma; Grantor Of Divinity; Ghost Of Death(that just came to me as I was writing these); Great Opulent Diva(another new one); Grace Opens Doors, etc. This is just a glimpse of the process, as I prepare to follow the thread of HARMONY.

I wrote in the Magdalena Weekly Message #35, "HARMONY is a state of consciousness in which the Miracle of Happiness reclines in quiet repose. It is our Natural state of being as we yield to our Awakened Radiance."

Harmony, of course, is much more than that. Happiness is that sense of well-being, peace of mind, in which all is well, no matter what chaos may be surrounding me. That is the Miracle of which I speak. It is the awakened state that I yearn to experience, without interruption. And, it is that yearning that separates me from that state of being. Once again, the paradox of human existence is exposed. Earthly Life is a Koan, a riddle which may not be solved with the mind that examines it. Reclining both in quiet repose and yet actively radiant. I perceive radiance as a shimmering light, moving, vibrating and ever-expanding. Being in Harmony means being in balance and feeling all aspects of one's being. Embracing ALL THAT IS, without exception.

I close this entry with Gratitude for being "the one I have been waiting for." An interesting phrase, which apparently Barack Obama spoke in one of his recent speeches. The political pundits were all agog with this phrase. How many times have we heard this spoken? It has finally reached into the "mainstream" of political speech. That is a "good thing", for which I am most thankful.

I leave you in PEACE,


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome to New Beginnings - 2008

The year has turned from a year of completion, 2007, to a year of New Beginnings, 2008. What is in store for us? How is 2008 different than 2007? What do we bring into the new year that will make it memorable and fruitful?

2007 has been a year of massive change for me, and, from what I am hearing, for many fact, most of the people I know have been through significant changes and have been "forced" to make adjustments in attitude, belief and behavior. 2007 has been a preparation for a new birth of who I am and how I perceive and respond to the world, both inner and outer. The metaphor of birth is quite apropos: from the fertilization of the seed by spirit in Bali in January, to the growth of the fetus expanding in the womb of human experience here in California, to now release from the confinement of that womb to begin, once again, to explore the environment of humanity and Mother Earth. I asked for freedom from my JOB, and was granted that wish through the closure of the company that employed me. Now, from this place of freedom, I am offered the opportunity to create my next step. How will I grow in wisdom and inner understanding from this experience? Whom will I meet on the road of Serendipity? What gifts will I open that are unexpected, but lead to even greater possibilities than I could have imagined even 6 months or a year ago? That is the mystery upon which I embark.

I invite all who visit here to share my journey by sharing your journey. I Love My Life!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

A New Face to WonderWords - 2008

Today, I began to play with my site to give it a new look and add some content. My intention for 2008, a year of New Beginnings, is to provide more regular content and expand ideas and realizations as they come to me. I invite active participation here with all who visit. I love the expansion of ideas, feelings and expressions of creativity. The New Year brings excitement and mystery as we all release the past and live in the expectancy of what is yet to come.

Acronyms are a big part of what I share, and I will be offering those as part of my postings.

I also invite you to join the Magdalena Messages eBlast, which comes out every Tuesday. Email me your email address and you will be added. The power of this message is profound and lives have changed as a result of listening and exploring Mary Magdalene's insights of the Divine Feminine, Holy Love and Holy Desire.

This is a BIG YEAR, and all who desire it will experience a magnificent transformation.

Welcome to 2008. May you ride the Chariot of Fire and Break Through the Veils that have, up until now, hidden what is possible. We are the Ones we have been waiting for. If not now, when? If not you, who?

