Saturday, December 29, 2007

A New Face to WonderWords - 2008

Today, I began to play with my site to give it a new look and add some content. My intention for 2008, a year of New Beginnings, is to provide more regular content and expand ideas and realizations as they come to me. I invite active participation here with all who visit. I love the expansion of ideas, feelings and expressions of creativity. The New Year brings excitement and mystery as we all release the past and live in the expectancy of what is yet to come.

Acronyms are a big part of what I share, and I will be offering those as part of my postings.

I also invite you to join the Magdalena Messages eBlast, which comes out every Tuesday. Email me your email address and you will be added. The power of this message is profound and lives have changed as a result of listening and exploring Mary Magdalene's insights of the Divine Feminine, Holy Love and Holy Desire.

This is a BIG YEAR, and all who desire it will experience a magnificent transformation.

Welcome to 2008. May you ride the Chariot of Fire and Break Through the Veils that have, up until now, hidden what is possible. We are the Ones we have been waiting for. If not now, when? If not you, who?



Tuesday, December 25, 2007




Friday, December 21, 2007

Conversations with God-Just viewed the DVD

What amazing beings we are! We attract to us exactly what we need, at any given moment. I will put this in the first person, since this is my observation and expression of what is true for me.

I just finished watching the DVD, Conversations with God, as told by Neale Donald Walsch. If you have not seen it, but know about the series by the same name, I will quickly fill in some blanks, and leave the rest of the experience to you. This is the story of Neale's journey from the bottom of his life to the realization of his passion and pathway. It contains scenes that graphically illustrate his struggles with his own demons and how he was able to finally shift his own perception of who he is and what he is here for. The story is not yet complete, but the message is clear that to live other than your own life with passion and purpose, is to die with your song still in you, as Wayne Dyer says.

This is such a timely experience for me for, though not yet at the bottom of my life, I can see what it might be like if I don't embrace what is being presented to me, now, and act on my own passion to realize my pathway. I have been blessed with Masters and Teachers who love me unconditionally, and with resources within myself that I may use to express that Love to others. The tools I have been given I always thought were outside myself, and had to be manipulated properly in order to get the results I desired and to make my life complete. What is being shown me, and what is being shown to others through the weekly Darshan at the Family of the Flowering Heart, is that the authentic tools are tools of the Heart and are best used through our being, not our doing. Awareness of my inner being is how I may experience my feeling nature, and recognition of the reflections of that being through others is confirmation of the inner truth that evolves, from moment to moment, into greater expressions of that Inner Self.

This vehicle of my self-expression provides a way to share my Love of God/Spirit/Divine Creator. Someone pointed out that our only purpose for being here, in Body/Minds, is to extend Love. That looks differently to each of us, but each of us has the capacity to feel Love and extend Love, and it is the degree of our Intention that draws that feeling back to us.

So, my friends, open your hearts to receive Love and pass it forward, and allow the spiral to ascend and expand, embracing all that is, without exception.



Wednesday, December 19, 2007

God and Atheism and Beyond...commentary

This began as a response to an article I read on the internet, and I wanted to share it with you.

All the back and forth between atheists, theists and agnostics is more of the belief in separatism: there is only one way to believe and it excludes all others. What I "know" from experience is that there is no single answer that excludes all others. God is an experience and is not confined to a religion/philosophy/belief/point of view. It/god is not human and is not confined to human qualities; in as much as each of us is the "product" of god's consciousness, we have access to those qualities to the degree that we are open to that consciousness. For the scientists among you--and I do not claim to be one--, the scientific method includes that realm of curiosity about the origin and purpose of the observable universe, but also the realm of the unobservable. What is now visible was once invisible because we had no instruments to observe, or lacked the imagination to question the unknown as knowable. Religion is that arena of belief that wants to control the exploration of the unknown because of fear. Fear is the reluctance to acknowledge death and the possibility that there is nothing after this life. Mysticism is that realm of direct experience of God, without the need for empirical proof of Its existence. Life is the experiment that becomes the experience. Visionaries are those who imagine what is not observable and are passionately willing to risk everything for a possibility that something more exists beyond what their senses tell them exists.

These random thoughts are meant not as conclusive but exploratory. Radical Inquiry, which is a method introduced to me by Jayem,, is that realm of inner exploration in which the I of my mind is willing to delve into the unimaginable infinite possibilities that exist just a thought away.

There are so many avenues of exploration and revelation that I'd like to share with all of you, and I will be posting commentary on these as I travel the pathway of self-discovery and self-realization.

I wish you Peace, Love and Joy from moment to moment.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Steroids, Baseball and Power

Yesterday, December 13th, a report on steroid use in major league baseball(MLB) was issued by former U.S. Senator and former Senate Majority leader George Mitchell. On its surface, this investigative report appears to be broad and comprehensive, naming names and condemning the illegal use of performance-enhancing substances(anabolic steroids and Human Growth Hormones) by major league baseball players, going back several years. What it fails to disclose is Mitchell's conflict of interest in heading up this investigation: Mitchell sits on the boards of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, and the Walt Disney Company, which owns ESPN, baseball's number one broadcast partner. This information comes from a column by Dave Zirin(, in which he exposes the hypocrisy of this commission and MLB, in general. Read the column, The Mitchell Report: Absolving the Owners, for more information.

My purpose in writing the blog entry is to, once again, address the interrelationship of all events to each other. Major League Baseball and professional sports, in general, are a microcosm of the larger culture of the United States of America. The deception and denial around full disclosure of the "facts" in this instance, reveals the deception and denial of the "facts" around political and social policies which control the populace of this country. Now, this may sound like we are the victims, and I do not take that position. We are not victims, except to the extent we choose to deny our personal responsibility for what is before us. As with illegal drug use in MLB, we have chosen to look the other way when confronted with clear evidence that more is going on than is readily apparent by reading and watching the Main Stream Media(MSM). If you are reading this blog, then you have access to the Internet. While the Internet is not free of misleading and factually false information, it does allow access to information that is accurate and not readily available through the MSM. By connecting the dots of the information from various online and alternative media, one can begin to see the larger picture: the "wars" in Iraq and Afghanistan are not about democracy and a response to terrorists' threats to the United States; they are a manipulation of the "facts" surrounding 9/11 so that those in power can further control the people of this country and even the rest of the world.

What this tells us about ourselves is that we are unwilling to see a larger view of the world. In the short term, a few months or even a few years, the power a money and force seems to work to gain an edge. In the long run, what some of us call the panoramic view, it is impossible to maintain the disproportionate balance of power. The people and corporations that seem to be on top cannot retain their advantage without the cooperation of those on whom they depend for that positioning. The people who do the "work" of providing the services and manufacturing the consumer goods on which "they" depend for their growing profits are really in control. They just have not discovered this power, yet. But, with broader access to information through the Internet and alternative media, and less attachment to the "needs" sold to us by the same power brokers who want to control us, this structure will collapse and reform into one of cooperation and collaboration. Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the peaceful resolution of those conflicts that naturally arise in a world based on duality of form.

Recognizing that we live in a Spiritual Universe, based on Spiritual Laws, releases us from dependence on just the physical and political laws that seem to operate outside ourselves. We have within us the power and wisdom to decide how we want to respond to any event/experience, and that power is unlimited. We only have to claim it and practice it. Trust in the power of One and all is well.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Suicide Rates among returning and active duty soldiers

This is the posting I left today on regarding the suicide rates among active duty and returning veterans from the Gulf "wars" of the United States. Your comments are welcomed.

I returned from VN on 12/31/98, and received no counseling or recognition of any kind with regard to possible PTSD, or whatever it may have been called at that time. I know it is almost 40 years later, but I don't see that much has changed. Yes, there is a PTSD diagnosis, but it is frowned upon in the "macho world" of the military, and it is documented that the symptoms often do not manifest for months or even years following the incident(s) that may have caused the condition. The cost to society and the individuals involved is incalculable, but there is a cost and it is way beyond what we Americans of the United States are willing to allocate for this condition. Suicide rates are manipulated so that they appear less than they are; homeless rates among veterans of this and previous wars/military conflicts are way beyond what is statistically expected over the population; domestic abuse, violence in the workplace, mall shootings, job retention, job performance and other social costs cannot be measured accurately, but the fact that there seems to be an increase in this form of dysfunction is a clear indicator to me that the consequences of war and violence-based conflict resolution are underneath this escalating trauma of war.

In a Wholeness Paradigm, all these factors are to be viewed as interrelated and the solutions have to be developed with the whole in mind. Treating symptoms one at a time does not root out the cause, and the symptoms just move around as a virus does when it mutates to resist new vaccines. Remove the source of sustenance of the problem and you remove its life-force; resist it with more force and it gets stronger. Developing conflict resolution tools that recognize the cause(s)of the conflict and create solutions that integrate all stakeholders into the resolution removes the fear and separation that just fighting the differences with force validates.

I don't know if this is of value to you other CD posters, but it helps me in self-examination and evolving my own solutions. Thanks for your participation in being the change you wish to be in the world.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Some God Beliefs...

There are as many beliefs about GOD/non-GOD as there are those to have beliefs. In fact, I think/believe that there are more than one for each of us, depending on how, when, where we derived them and from whom. I have deep "beliefs/convictions/understandings/projections" of who and what GOD is, and they seem to change as I "evolve" in my awareness of who I am and how I came to be here. What works for me is that, as much as it is possible, I review my judgments of others and how they relate to my own belief system(s). I, as a human being, do have judgments and make both conscious and unconscious discernment about almost everything, person, place or event I encounter. I notice my immediate thoughts and feelings that occur, then review them for clarity and meaningfulness in this context. Who/What is God? Why does it matter to me? Why does it matter to me what others think/believe about God? Why do I find it necessary to capitalize the G in god? Is it required by god? By my culture? What if I just used lower case g for god? Nope, no lightening, yet. And, I am a licensed Science of Mind/Religious Science Practitioner saying these things!

What I believe is that what is more important than what I profess to believe is how I live my life and relate to those others with whom I share this existence. We are all One/one and whomever I encounter and whatever event/experience comes to me is a reflection of those beliefs/convictions/thoughts I hold. How I respond, my response-ability, dictates how I experience these conditions of my life. And, I may even re-choose that response to a past event/experience, which may change this present moment. Is this possible? It is an experiment to be practiced.

Hmmm...This whole it a discussion since I am the only one here writing this?...was initiated from a blog I was responding to about the presidential campaigns and the candidates' beliefs/professed beliefs/opinions about god. In a country which is supposed to be founded on the separation of church and state, how did we get to the conflicting discussion over whose religion/faith is more electable? It seems to mirror the conflicts in the rest of the world. Whose religion is better and whose god is more "real"?

Any comments? Feel free to respond.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Published letter: November 30,2007

The following is a letter I wrote in response to an article by Joan Walsh in, Don't ignore Shtup-gate! This letter is a general response to the presidential campaigns and their failure to address the humanity of the process of selecting "leaders" for this and any other political body.

What seems to be missing in all of these campaigns, save Dennis' [Kucinich], is the humanity of all concerned. What I am saying is that as we are caught up in all the political charges and counter-charges, we are missing the human factor. Immigrants, whether "legal" or not, are human beings and have lives with human needs and desires. When they go to the emergency room, whether with a cold or serious, life threatening illness or injury, they need attention and professional services, just as you would(I am speaking to those out there who are "legal" immigrants or documented residents/citizens, but this applies to all). To deny or criticize them/anyone for accessing available services is to deny their humanity. Do you have a problem with who is paying for it or whom it denies services to? Then, look for ways to expand the medical/health care and social services...there is plenty of money to pay for weapons of mass destruction and private military/security personnel and massive waste/misappropriation of tax money. Do you care for your children/loved ones first, or buy more guns and ammunition to guard against an unknown assailant who may, at some time in the future, come through your bedroom window?
People who love each other, or just want sex, whether homo- or hetero- or bi- sexual, are still human beings. They/we may or may not have "chosen" that orientation, but whose decision is it how we express love or physical/emotional desire? As long as another is not abused in this choice, what is the fear? How does my sexual orientation/practice threaten anyone's marriage? Children witness and adopt behaviors, not words of admonition. Practice what you preach, but don't condemn/judge another whose heart you do not know. I could go on with more examples, but I trust I am making my point.
As I read about the "debates", which are not debates at all, I am perplexed at the failure of the candidates and moderators to address the human face of the issues. Whether Giuliani protected "illegal" immigrants in his sanctuary city, or Romney had a "sanctuary mansion", what is really the issue? We are talking about people, human beings, who may be flawed, misguided, troubled, abused or simply ignorant(not stupid). Before casting stones, check within. How have you perhaps wronged another, whether deliberately or unknowingly(Scott McClellan comes to mind)? Can you take responsibility for your action or inaction? Is it someone else's fault? Really? No one can make you/me "do" anything. Yes, there are consequences to all behaviors and we make choices on how we respond, but we are always at choice.
This may be long and somewhat convoluted, but I wanted to may a point that each of us is responsible for how we perceive the world from our individual perspective. I can only know my perspective and choose my perception. How I respond is up to me. There is only Love and Fear, and Love can embrace Fear. It is always a choice. I choose Love.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving-A day to remember

I have, again, been absent from this site for some time, now. Why is it so hard to make entries on a regular basis? I certainly have plenty to say. Just ask my friends! So, enough of self-flagellation. Just allow the words to flow and follow the cookie crumbs.

I just wrote the following in another blog and wanted to share it with you, since it just seemed to spill from my fingers into this electronic medium:

I am writing to send Thanksgiving Greetings to all who post here. What I have learned in my 63 years is that the most powerful "weapon" I have is that of love and forgiveness. Daily, it is my quest, not always successful, to be grateful for EVERYTHING that becomes visible in my life. My mission and vision is to extend love to all and accept love from all, in whatever form it takes. Each of us has a unique gift and purpose with which we entered this life; our job is to discover and extend that gift and purpose into our world. We operate on a Timeline that is unknown to most of us, so we may only learn to trust in the process of unfolding possibilities. I don't know where this came from, but I feel moved to send this out to all, here. We seem to live in difficult times, but all that we experience is for our growth and enlightenment.
With Gratitude and Thanksgiving, I offer this Blessing to all.May Peace Prevail on Earth. And so it is,

st john

Today is the day before Thanksgiving, 2007, and this has been a year of unforgettable blessings and self-revelations. A little over a year ago, in October 2006, Mary Magdalen appeared to my sister, Joy, in her Journal. That began a process of extraordinary insights and messages, as the process continued unceasingly until now. My loving partner, Angelina, my sister, Joy, and I became the Darshan Trio, as "named" by Magdalena, and began the journey of sharing the Magdalena Messages. For 24 weeks we have sent out a weekly eBlast, with Magdalena's weekly message, and now She is being transmitted through Joy's voice at least once a month. She also delivers personal Letters to individuals who request them. The information that comes forth is powerful and unique. There is a new energy coming forth through many people; we are now ready to receive a Higher Energy as we have prepared ourselves for that energetic influx of Love and Peace.

What I am called to do is to share what I am learning and offer it to all who will listen. One of my gifts is to receive the meaning of words through acronyms, which expand their meaning to deeper levels. My biggest challenge in this work is to acknowledge that I, in co-creation with Spirit, have a Gift worth sharing. I have been with many artists and creative types over my lifetime, and noticed that even the most gifted have difficulty acknowledging and valuing what they create. What I would like to do here is share some of those acronyms, as a prelude to producing an actual product for sale(gulp). If you are moved to respond, I welcome your feedback.

My first word was BLAME: Big Lie About My Expectations-to blame another is to hold expectations for how I "think" they are or should be. People are not here to meet my expectations any more than I am to meet theirs.

FREEDOM: Faith Releases Every Erroneous Doubt Of Mind-as I develop faith in a Higher Power, whatever that may be to me, I release false ideas and overcome doubt. Trust and Faith are closely linked. They both imply the relinquishing of thinking and allowing Spirit to inform my decisions and actions.

FAITH: Fully Alive In Trusting Heart-To trust my heart is to live in Faith. My heart is the source of my intuition and guidance, not my head/brain/mind. I am truly alive when I Trust my Heart.

TRUST: Taking Risks Unlocks Spiritual Transformation-My life is transformed when I can Trust enough to take risks for my passion and purpose. Stepping into the Unknown with Faith is the power of transformation.

That is just a taste of what is coming to me, with the Grace of God's Love and Inspiration.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Passing of a Dog...

Today I received news that a dog named Rufus passed away on Tuesday, November 6th. He was/is a very special dog because he brings joy and sorrow together in a way that demonstrates the greater capacity of humanity to embrace seeming opposite feelings simultaneously. I last spent time with Rufus on Monday evening, as he visited the Gratitude Choir rehearsal with Rev. Kirk of the Center for Spiritual Living-Orange County. Though he was obviously very tired and lacked the energy I am used to with him, he nonetheless shared what energy he had in a deep and loving way. Perhaps it is projection on my part, but I felt his love and knew that his being there with us was a gift from God. The Joy is that Rufus represents unconditional Love; the sorrow is that his presence in the physical is gone forever. His memory is eternal and we, as humans, have the capacity, when we choose, to instantly bring that memory alive and experience the Joy of this presence, known as Rufus. There was so much more I was going to write about, today, but this presented itself and I am following this thread in synchronicity. Life and Death seem to be very present with me at this time. Many of whom I am aware are making their transition into Spirit. Though thousands die daily across the world, when those with whom we are close transit, we become more aware of the sanctity and transitory nature of life and can delve into its mystery. So, today, I celebrate the life of Rufus, and of Liam, who also made his transit this week, and rejoice in these lives having been part of my life. Today, all that is "needed" has already been created; today, I say, "Thank you, Blessed Spirit, for my life and all that is present here, now"
And so it is,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

New Books and Ancient Wisdom

I have been reading a lot lately and find that no matter what I read, the same message is being received: We Are One! I discovered Dan Millman a couple of months ago, though he has been around since the early '80s with Way of the Peaceful Warrior, then the sequel, Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior. These are 2 amazing books, with many deep and profound messages that resonated with me. This young man is introduced to a mystical character, Socrates, while a student at UC Berkeley. Dan is a gifted athlete with great determination to succeed at his sport. As strong as his commitment to his athletic success, his resistance to the teachings of Socrates, then to the teachings of Mama Chia in Sacred Journey, is equally as strong. What I am learning for myself is that I often ignore the many demonstrations of the Presence of God, Spirit, in my life because I will not trust in what I see, hear, feel and know from years of seeking Enlightenment. It is a paradox of opposites: one the one hand, I see the "proof" of God everywhere; on the other, I also see what seems to be a world that is out of balance and teetering on the brink of destruction. What I keep coming back to is that the Big Picture is perfectly in balance, and my failure to recognize it is simply part of my pathway. Constant forgiveness of myself is the solution to self-criticism and judgment. Each day I am faced with new opportunities to forgive myself. It does not good to forgive others if I cannot forgive myself because, as I believe, there is no "other" to forgive. So, every day, when I awake to my world, I may choose how to experience that day: a day of possibility and promise, or a day of fear and rejection. The day does not care how I perceive it; it is just being "the day." So, as I prepare to go to sleep tonight, that is the thought I set in my mind, and hold in my heart: This day has been perfect and tomorrow is just as perfect, because that is how I say it is.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Southern California fires and other topics...

As a resident of So CA, and specifically the Santiago/Mokjeska Canyon area, I was a witness to some of the devastation of the fires. I could actually see flames and the red glow in the sky as I drove to my home in Lake Forest. The smoke and ashes were with us for several days and I saw many fire-fighting vehicles pass in all directions during the first few days of the fires. The most impactful thing, however, was watching the evacuations of tens of thousands from their homes, knowing that many would have no home to return to. My comment at the time was, "Welcome to Iraq!" What did I mean by this? This certainly is not as devastating as what is going on there, but I imagine that in relative terms, it may be as shocking to some of the evacuees as what is going on in Iraq. We here in the U.S. have not really had the experience that millions in other parts of the world are having, being displaced permanently from their homes and their communities. We cannot possibly imagine how it feels because there are mechanisms in place, even though not always very efficient, that help cushion the fall from comfort and peace. I think it is a good idea to consider the plight of the displaced in our country and imagine that multiplied 100 fold, and every day, to get a taste of what we, the United States of America, are responsible for across the planet. Also consider that at least one of the fires was arson, according to experts. Arson is a deliberate act of violence perpetrated against, in this case, an unknown group of people, nature and property. Is this similar to what the military attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan are? Many who are affected are not directly engaged in acts against the U.S. military, yet their lives are no less disrupted than those supposedly targeted. What is the opportunity here? Can we now show some compassion for others whom we may not identify with, but who are experiencing something that we now have experienced to some degree here?

FEMA fakes a news conference and there is very little outrage. It is time we were passionate about what is happening around us, and call to account all whom we may view as responsible. Because, in fact, we are all responsible so by turning our passion inward, we are stirred to action in creating a world that works for all of us.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Some Free flowing contemplations on the GAP

For many years, going back to at least when I was introduced to metaphysics through LifeSpring, the question has been about why I am here and what have I to offer? Beyond that, I have always had a fascination for words and learned to use them very well. Now, there is the opportunity to use this curiosity and interest to actually write about it and explore the roots and causes of concepts and entomology of words and phrases. Acronyms seem to come to me easily: the meanings of words may be found in the order of the letters themselves. It is as if the word in English has been devised as a code for its greater meaning. Its meaning has been encoded into the letters which compose the word, and by looking at the letters in the word, its meaning is revealed.
Let’s start with an acronym which came to me while in Bali last year, 2006. And, let's explore its roots and history:
GAP: God’s Ah Place
—from a discussion during Darshan with Jayem in Bali on March 14th, 2006. Talking about the phrase Ah La Ha, in Aramaic, the ancient language of Jeshua/Jesus, meaning roughly the Breath of God-AH, into the Heart-La and out again-Ha. So, the Breath of God, AH, or the Idea in God’s Mind that creates All, is AH. To be in the GAP, as in meditation, is to be between thoughts, in music, between notes, in writing and speaking, the space, the pause, between words. In Aramaic, the space between characters that make up the words is as significant as the characters, themselves. So, I see that space, that GAP, as God’s space. God enters into that space when NoThing is happening and EveryThing is happening. It is the infinite place of all possibility and where creation takes place. When I allow myself to be in the GAP, I am saying to myself that it is safe to be there and that I am receptive to the Creative Force that resides always in me, as my so-called Higher Nature. In reality, there is no higher and lower, but for the sake of communicating on this level, I will take the liberty of speaking in relative terms of space and time. As I write this, is it coming from the GAP, or from my mind? Am I, John, the writer, making up these words from my finite mind, based on beliefs, attitudes and assumptions that have been planted in my conscious and subconscious mind by my associations with other humans and my environment? How am I to know? What are the signs of being in the GAP, and who is the decider of whether I am or am not? Intuition: the great lie detector of consciousness. Now, where did that come from? Intuition? A conundrum: a puzzling question or problem; a paradox. If I am in the Ah Place, then what comes out is of that place and it is apparent to those sensitive to Truth. Those not sensitive to Truth will often find what comes forth confusing, incongruent with their beliefs or downright wrong. Does that change Truth? Do I argue for my position of Truth? It seems to me that if I am accessing God’s Ah Place, there is no reason for me to make an issue of whether others accept what I say or not. In fact, to do so tends to disempower what has come forth. The Truth needs no defending for it stands on Its own merit. Anything other than the Truth cannot be defended without creating chaos and disharmony. Which cannot be created since there is no imbalance in Consciousness…EVER. Every last bit of matter, non-matter and anti-matter is required for the existence of the Universe. As Alan Watts so clearly put it, each living and non-living thing, event, person, possibility and potentiality is essential for the existence of the Universe, and the Universe is absolutely essential for the existence of each living and non-living thing, event, person, possibility and potentiality. The importance of each of us is beyond measure; and none of us is any more important than the meanest of the created universe. Slug, snail, rutabaga, oak or Archangel, we are all the same in significance to the maintenance of the Universe. Take even one speck out of existence and all ceases to exist. There is not even an explosion…just non-existence.

And so, what does this mean to the GAP discussion? That to be able to enter God's Ah Place means to be able to “see”, even if for only a moment, the Source of All and to Know my connection to it. It cannot be forgotten, though the experience can be temporarily buried in old beliefs and assumptions of what once seemed true. In fact, Truth is. There is no Truth about anything; it is just TRUE. All that I see about me are the symptoms of Truth. How I interpret them is up to me; and how others think or feel about what I think or feel is up to them. Now, my interpretations of these symptoms is always subject to review and re-interpretation. As I go deeper into the GAP and access more Truth, what I perceive as reality shifts and changes with the deeper knowledge and wisdom gained in these GAP intervals. And, as the GAP intervals widen, so does my wisdom. And, as my wisdom widens, my need to be right about it and to get others to agree or know what I know, lessens. Truth becomes apparent, and then it becomes a parent to more of its offspring, its symptoms. For instance, an apple is a symptom of an apple tree. When we see an apple, we know that somewhere there is an apple tree; or there was an apple tree. If that apple tree is dead, or has been used for firewood, or mulch or making woodcarvings, that fact of its existence is nonetheless proven. Within that apple are all the elements of that source apple tree. By tracing the origin of that apple, one can define the very essence of the specific apple tree from which that apple came. And going back, one can trace the origin of that particular tree to its parent seed and its parent tree…and so on forever.

There is much more of this discussion, but I'll leave it here for now. If someone out there wants the full article, let me know and I'll be happy to send it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where Have I Been?

It has been awhile since I posted here. This is going to be a short post just to say hi and promise I'll be back with lots to say. There is so much going on in the World and within each of us. Have you noticed? The conscious among us are noticing that there is more than meets the eye(I). Financial shifts are occurring that are way beyond what most of us have ever witnessed. It is not the usual periodic cycles that most economists and historians are telling us; there is a systemic shift and we best be aware of it. The changes that are coming are unprecedented. Please take some time to assess how you will respond, so you don't have to react out of fear and desperation. The Light is pouring into our hearts, and our minds are being challenged as never before to "try" to cope with what they are experiencing. Best to allow the Heart to provide you with what is needed: Love, Compassion and Peace. To show loving kindness to our brothers and sisters is what is called for.

Blessings to all,

Saturday, September 22, 2007

CWG-Home With God-A Perspective

I just finished reading the final Conversation with God/Home with God; In a Life That Never Ends. I am moved to offer the following personal revelations from this reading.

An acronym for DEATH: Divine Energies Align Triune Holiness

We, as physical expression of God, All That Is, perceive ourselves as a Trinity. Our Triune Nature is perceived as Spirit/Mind/Body or Superconscious/Conscious/Subconscious or Soul/Mind/Body. Our Essence, when merged as One, is Singular and our Individuation ceases to exist. In Death, the Triune Nature merges in the Core of All That Is. The Knowing that has been Experienced is integrated into the One and adds to its Self-Identity. God, or All That Is, is an Infinitely evolving Energy. It is beyond the human mind to comprehend the Essence of All Life, but it may be said that it is a Sequentaneous Singularity. What this means is that It is One, whole, inseparable and transcends time and space. Our purpose as humans is to remember and recognize who we are: individuations of God, with all the attributes and awareness of that One. Each is whole, perfect and complete, without exception. The nature of our Death is as a creative event, perfectly designed to fulfill the purpose which we took for this incarnation. That purpose is always fulfilled and can never fail to be so. It is not possible to be incomplete. Any such notion on our part is simply a "mistaken perspective", which then creates our perception and then our experience. My Truth is based on my experience and only I can know My Truth. The Truth may not be known by me. In fact, The Truth does not exist. Only My Truth exists and is subject to my perspective. As my perspective is adjustable, so too is My Truth. The broader my perspective, the deeper My Truth. But, it is still only My Truth.

I found this book to be filled with profound revelations and it confirmed or adjusted My Truth. For anyone desiring a deeper exploration into the meaning of Life and Death, this is a must read. Enter with an open mind and a soft heart and be prepared for an experience of a Lifetime.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Recession? What is it?

We are being told by so-called experts that a Recession is almost imminent. As we check our memory banks, this may raise ominous fears as we recall prior experiences of "Recession". What is a recession and why the fear? The word derives from a root word, recede, which means to draw back, retreat, diminish or ebb, as the tide does. Our FEAR is based on False Evidence Apprearing Real; past experiences that we project into the future. What if we took some liberties with the word and spelled it: re seed? The time of recession is a time to re seed and plant new ideas. Rather than a time of fear and hesitation, we may look at it as a time of new beginnings. The Universe has sent a message, instigated by our own action and behavior, to PAUSE...and take a closer look at what we have created. For, any activity or event we may observe in the manufactured world of human action is the result of our thinking and the action that ensues from that thinking. We are not victims here, but co-creators with each other. What we have created is the outpicturing of our deeply held beliefs, some of which are not even at a conscious level. Instead of blaming the government, business, bad investments or any other external cause, let us look within and identify those beliefs that precede our judgments. People who are able to review their beliefs and make changes easily, are the ones who rebound from adversity and make opportunity out of adversity. Do you act from fear or love? Can you embrace the apparent downturn in the economy and locate the gift it offers? The solution is always contained within the problem. What solutions do you see? What New Beginnings are you going to re-seed from the cultivated soil of this global market of opportunity? We are not separate, and as we learn to cooperate with each other, we can resolve the "problems" with creativity and kindness. Instead of the struggle of competition, let us employ the Power of Partnership.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

9/11 2007 What has changed?

On this day which is declared by many the day that changed the world, what really changed? Did the events in New York City, Washington DC and Pennsylvania really change the world, or was it our response to those events? Yes, the loss of life and the destruction of property affected many people in many places, even globally; but what we are experiencing 6 years hence is not related so much to the events of 9/11/01, as to our response. Choices were made in the hours and days following the events of 9/11, and we are now living with the consequences of those choices. What can we do today to change the results of the decisions we made 6 years ago? The truth is that they were and are our decisions/choices. In a global community in which we are all related, each decision I make as an individual has an impact on all of us. Granted, it may not be immediately apparent and may not have a blatently obvious effect, but there are consequences to each thought, act and deed. 9/11 did not happen in a vacuum. It was the result of decades and perhaps eons of human interaction, culminating in what many describe as catastrophic events. Had we taken the time to review the thoughts, beliefs and actions leading to 9/11, and act differently on the outcomes of those reviews, today would be very different. But, today we, the USA, are mired in global conflicts and having to realize that because of the power we wield through our perceived superiority in physical/military, economic and social standing, it becomes our responsibility to make new decisions to correct the errors made over the past 6 years and more.

I don't propose to have the answers because no one person does, but we may begin a dialogue here to discuss what changes we can make as individuals to affect the environment in which we live. We have been blessed with the power of creation; it is up to us to learn to use it for the benefit of all. I encourage your replies.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Living as One, in the Now

Greetings to all who visit here.
I just completed the 11th eNewsletter, Magdalena Messages, that I produce with my sister, Joy and my beloved, Angelina. The theme this time is living as One in the Now, and what better subject to post upon than that?
The concept of living as One is as large a concept as One may contemplate. In essence, that means that All That Is must fit within the One. All the universes, all of the galaxies, all of the Black Holes, and all of one unitary reality. Then, if that were not enough, we have to do it all NOW. We may not string it out over hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millenia, is all NOW, in this instant that lasts only an instant. If you don't get all of it, all ONE of IT, in this instant, where will it go? It seems there is no place for the leftovers of Space and Time, so we just have to deal with what is Here and Now. So, the stepping stone of realizing this truth is to not "try" to understand it or figure it out, or explain it to yourself or others. The stepping stone is to imagine that this moment is the only one there is and all that is required for happiness is present in this moment. This, of course, has been the message of Masters forever, and it has not changed. The Key to happiness is to enjoy (be in joy) whatever arises, and share that happiness with whomever or whatever you encounter. Sadness, disappointment, lack or worse are inevitable in the world of form; and, happiness is the destination to which we all arrive as soon as we "get" that we never left. There are millions of stories of people who have faced unimaginable odds and been in the most dreadful situations, yet have transcended them to become our guides for whatever we yearn to become. Take the time to identify those souls, real or imagined, who personify the realization of your dreams, and allow them to guide you, one step at a time, from here and now to here and now. Live as ONE, in the NOW.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

ONENESS-The Only Thread There Is

As I have been reflecting of what it is I want to write about and explore here, and elsewhere, it is apparent that there is only one theme, one thread, and that is ONENESS. All issues in my life are related to, and intimately entwined with, the recognition of our ONENESS. I have a strong interest in politics, social interaction and spirituality. What I notice in each of these areas is that until I can recognize and embrace that we are ONE, there is no way to authentically move forward in my life and with my relationships. No matter how far afield these posts may venture, from time to time, they will always return to The Only Thread There Is-TOTTI. It is interesting to me that this Acronym, TOTTI, first came to my attention as I was reading Neale Donald Walsch's recent book, What God Wants. What our very existence comes down to is the Remembering that we are ONE, extensions of God, Spirit, Nature, Universal Consciousness, Allah, Christ Consciousness or whatever other name one gives to the Source of All. No matter how we view our Purpose for living and being here, the one Truth that seems True always is that we all belong to the One and we are here to experience and express that One in this form. As this Blog expands and explores Truth, many areas for exploration and expansion will arise. I am excited about the RISK-Radical Inquiry Seeks Knowing-that is leading to greater awareness, both for myself, and for those who choose to join in the discussion.
Blessings of Peace to All,

Monday, August 13, 2007

Welcome to WonderWords

Words of Wonder flow from the Heart through the Mind. None is greater than the other, though how they are used together makes a difference in meaning and impact. Mental Action without Heart is fraught with Danger, for there is always the risk of overwhelming the object of the action. And, Heart extended without Mind has a tendency to wander away from Heart's Desire and "fail" to fulfill its design. This Blog will be about recognizing who we are...or who I am, since it is my blog...and how I can take responsibility for All of Who I Am.

This First entry is more to try out the format than to impart any Wisdom. As I grow and interact with others here and elsewhere, the opportunity to expand the presence here and inquire into the power of Words and Wonder will become grander.

Welcome, once again, to WonderWords, where Body, Mind and Spirit intersect.


St. WonderHeart